JMCA Neighborhood Clean-Up
Come out and get to know your neighbors while helping to spruce up our neighborhood! Let everyone know what tools, trash bags, wagons, water, or other gardening goodies you can bring along.
Come out and get to know your neighbors while helping to spruce up our neighborhood! Let everyone know what tools, trash bags, wagons, water, or other gardening goodies you can bring along.
Join your neighbors for a family-friendly egg-hunt and potluck! Let us know what dish you’d like to bring. Susan is bringing Macaroni & cheese
Please join your neighbors, hear information, and provide your feedback to the County on the Proposed Transit Concept Networktransit_network_draft! When: Thursday, Feb. 25, 2016 at 6:30pm Where: Mt. Eagle Elementary School Cafeteria What: The Fairfax County Department of Transportation is …
Public Meeting: Countywide Transit Network Study Read more »
Economic development, featuring Holly Dougherty from the Mount Vernon-Lee Chamber of Commerce, and former Lee District planning commissioner Rodney Lusk representing the Fairfax County Economic Development Authority. January 25th, 7:30pm – Franconia Government Center
Dear Community leaders, I would like to take a moment and re-introduce LDACO to you and your communities. I was elected as Chair last May after ten years of involvement in the Jefferson Manor Civic Assoc and three years as …
Dear Community leaders, I would like to take a moment and re-introduce LDACO to you and your communities. I was elected as Chair last May after ten years of involvement in the Jefferson Manor Civic Assoc and three years as …
Dear Community leaders, I would like to take a moment and re-introduce LDACO to you and your communities. I was elected as Chair last May after ten years of involvement in the Jefferson Manor Civic Assoc and three years as …
Dear Community leaders, I would like to take a moment and re-introduce LDACO to you and your communities. I was elected as Chair last May after ten years of involvement in the Jefferson Manor Civic Assoc and three years as …
Tuesday, November 3, 2015 General & Special Elections Information On Election Day Polls are open from 6:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. Sample Ballot – Lee District More info on candidates and bond issues here!