JM Spring Egg Hunt
It’s happening! A spring egg hunt in Jefferson Manor Park. Please meet in the park parking lot. 10:30-11:30am egg filling & hiding. 11:30am – Egg Hunt! There will be prizes awarded for the most eggs collected as well as finding …
It’s happening! A spring egg hunt in Jefferson Manor Park. Please meet in the park parking lot. 10:30-11:30am egg filling & hiding. 11:30am – Egg Hunt! There will be prizes awarded for the most eggs collected as well as finding …
This bi-monthly JM community meeting includes the annual JMCA Board of Directors election. All 4 officers and 5 directors are voted in by active JMCA members. Check the March/April 2024 edition of the Jefferson Manor News newsletter or the JM …
JMCA Members-only event, join/renew onsite or at This event starts with our regular bi-monthly community meeting followed by a chili cook-off competition and beer garden.
SANTA CLAUS is coming back to the manor! Santa will be riding in style through the streets of Jefferson Manor on Saturday, December 17th, at approximately 6 pm, on a Fairfax County Fire Department Ladder Truck! Additional emergency vehicles will …
The Jefferson Manor Citizens Assn invites our neighbors to a winter holidays gathering. Join fellow Manorites for cookies, cocoa, candy canes, goodie bags for kids, and a photo op with Santa! We’ll accept donations of canned/non-perishable food items and Toys …
The Jefferson Manor Citizens Assn invites our neighbors to a winter holidays gathering. Join fellow Manorites for cookies, cocoa, candy canes, goodie bags for kids, and a photo op with Santa! We’ll accept donations of canned/non-perishable food items and Toys …